Can I get an “Amen?”…

Writer’s block is not unique to any writer, song or otherwise and everyone has their own remedy or attempts at such. But when I am in the midst of it, which, for me, can be a breeding ground for procrastination, self-doubt, and discouragement, I always find that the main reason I’m not writing is simply because I’M NOT WRITING. I would LOVE to say that I write everyday, but contrary to the sharpee-encrusted post-it note on my bulletin board reminding me to do so, I don’t. Of course I strive to geth there! I’m just not there yet.

I am a huge fan of the free write as a way to jumpstart the creative juices. Kind of like the first 5-10 minutes of a cardio workout or a Vinyasa flow in a yoga practice. I like to set a timer for 3-5 minutes and just write…unfiltered. I always go back over what I’ve written with a highlighter and highlight words, feelings, and phrases that I think are worth exploring further. I have also found this method useful in co-writes when there is a mutual writer’s block going on. So, that’s my two cents. What’s yours?